Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Starship troopers 2 game

Play along its fun for all the family, I really wish it was. Here's how to play, sit down and watch Starship Troopers 2 and see how long you can last without losing the will to live or without gouging your eyes out. Current Score board stands at

Me: 30 something minutes, time is slightly inaccurate due to temporary blindness brought on by film, I did fast forward through the rest in an attempt to get an idea of the story but found none

Mr Struthers: 10 odd minutes, always knew he was a lightweight, though technically if he replays the first 10 minutes over in his head three times then he has seen the exact same amount of the film as I have as the first 30 minutes is all close ups of people shooting clips from the first film. I say shooting but it was more of a flashing blue LED going of on and off at the end of their obviously plastic guns

Some may want to watch to see the blonde bint from Nip/Tuck get here baps out but she has one of those bad boob jobs were 99% of her boob is above her nipple and is more terrifying than the bugs in the film

Starship Troopers 2: Hero Of The Federation

See above, bad bad bad bad bad. Six Thumbs down, yes the films so bad I wish I had a mutation that made me have six thumbs

One Day In September

Last documentary in my mini-documentary season, this is a documentary about the Israeli hostage situation at the Munich Olympics in 1972 that is the back drop for Munich. Some of the incompetence in the rescue attempts are unbelievable. They let TV broadcast their preparation for storming the apartments oblivious to the fact that there were TV's in all the apartments so the terrorists were watching the whole thing, luckily the attack was called off. The whole thing was rapped up with the German Minister reporting that that all the hostages survived and that things could get back to normal and the situation can all be forgotten about in a couple of weeks, the hostages at this stage were already dead. Thumbs Up

New DVD's

Corpse Bride - If its half as good as Nightmare before Christmas it will be brilliant

My Neighbor Totoro - Completes my Miyazaki collection, gets touted as being his best so really looking forward to watching


At 6:34 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

Some opinions required Richard: I took a long drudging walk to the XtraVision to buy a few DVD's for the weekend...

...they had a 3-for-£20 deal going on, so I said "okay".

I bought Memento 'cos I don't own it myself and The Girl hasn't seen it.

I bought Bulletproof Monk because Chow-Yun Fat looks like the man on the cover.

I bought Ong-Bak partially out of curiosity, and partially because I already owned everything in their range and everything else that I didn't own looked like shite.

Of course, when I got home after about an hour of trudging through the rain, I was lambasted because I didn't get any girly films.

"Bulletproof Monk is a girly film," I said, "there's a girl on the front!"

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's how it works.

Anyway - did I make good choices? Your opinion?


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