Sunday, January 08, 2006

Playing catch-up

I may have to increase the frequencies of my posts as I get back to my normal watching speed after christmas, here goes with this weeks list.

The Assassination Of Richard Nixon

Based on the true story of a guy who fed up with his failed attempts to live the american dream decides to hijack a plane to kill Richard Nixon. Sean Penn is fantastic in it but apart from that I found it quite dull. Thumbs in the middle

The Maltese Falcon

I love all these 30's and 40's film noir's but am really bad at getting round to watching them, so this was my first time seeing this. They really don't make them like this anymore which is a pity, I like how they don't spoonfeed you the details so you are never quite sure who is the bad guy and who is not plus I thought Peter Lorre was hilarious as Joel Cairo, whether this was the intention or not I don't know but it increased my enjoyment. Thumbs up


I really liked this the first time a saw it at a Midnight screening at the cameo cinema in Edinburgh. It is not as good as I remember, probably not helped by the fact you can drink in the screens at the cinema so most of the midnight screenings involved us having a few before we went and drinking some more when we got there, this is not always advised as a friend struggled with the rigorous training at the start of Full Metal Jacket and puked his guts up as another friend slept beside him oblivious of the stench. Back on track, the super low budget shows through a bit more on rewatch but the various deaths still are pretty cool unlike most of the acting but I would still recommend it, as well as the directors superior follow-up Cypher. Thumbs Up

Melinda And Melinda

Two theatre directors one of comedies and one of drama's discuss which is best which leads to the two different tellings of Melinda’s story, one as a comedy one as a drama. I enjoyed the comedy half but didn't like the drama side so found the overall film a bit dull, Will Ferrel is good in it though. Thumbs in the middle

The Descent

British spelunking horror, heard good things about this so was worried it would be crap as most british films that get buzz are usually just average but look fantastic against most of the crap produced. However this was excellent but I don't think I will watch it again, it just makes you feel too uncomfortable when you watch it, be it the claustrophobia of the caves or the bones sticking out of legs gore I just had a sick feeling the whole way through. This however is a good thing, there just aren't enough movies these days that produce a physical reaction as they have been toned down to appeal to the mass markets resulting in them losing any uniqueness that may have made them good. Thumbs Up


Michael Caine version, I just couldn't get into it to enjoy it, I wasn't sure whether we were supposed to like Alfie or not and frankly the story was a bit dull. Alfie sleeps with a women then they want commitment so he gets scared and moves on to the next then repeat again. Thumbs in the Middle

New DVD's

Last batch for a while as all the money this month is going into the home cinema I am building in the new house

White Stripes Under Blackpool Lights - Saw them twice last year and they are one of the best live acts in the world today and the couple of minutes of this I have watched seems to capture it well.

Myth - Jackie Chans latest Hong Kong film getting mixed reviews, however it was cheap and I needed something the make up my order to get free shipping, did get a free mouse mat with it though

Sympathy For Lady Vengeance - The final part of Chan Wook Park's revenge trilogy, which contains Sympathy for Mr Vengeance and OldBoy, both are fantastic and some of the best films of the last few years and reports of this have been good so I am really looking forward to this.


At 12:58 am, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

The world wants to see pictures of this home cinema when it's built. THE WORLD!

At 12:56 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

At home "Playing Catch Up" today, eh?

It's Monday, and there's an 'S' on the timesheet...tut!


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