Monday, March 06, 2006

Hey everybody...

were not racist, we love them negro's look we gave them the actor Oscars the other year and we would give it to the mexicans as well if we didn't need them to do our cleaning and cut our grass. Yep if you haven't heard the news the glorified movie of the week Crash won best film at the Oscars. This makes it two years in a row that a Paul Haggis scripted movie has won best film, he directed the turd this year, and as someone said they have never seen someone rise so medicorely (its a word) to the top in there life, the guy created Walker, Texas Ranger for fucks sake and while it kept us all safe by keeping Chuck Norris off the streets it could never be mistaken for the work of a genius in waiting. The guy's now in charge of writing the script for the new Bond, god help us all. The film has been getting praise for how subtle it portrayed how racism is bad and we shouldn't judge people by how they look. Subtle, I felt like Rodney King getting beat over the head with the racist stick by the LAPD, the only way it could have been less subtle is if all the characters wore Racisms Bad badges. This review just about sums it up

Ahhh that feels better, I have more but I'm scared of breaking my keyboard

Actually I have more, apparently this best film and best edited film is so great that a directors cut is out on DVD soon. to make things better its at least 12 minutes shorter than the theatrical version, yes even the director thinks at least 12 minutes of his own film is so shit he would prefer that people didn't see it.

The Corporation

Documentary about the scary power that corporations have today, interesting facts included that a San Francisco company owned all the water in Boliva including the rain water, they could charge you or threaten you with jail if you caught and drunk your own water, it took a revolt and several deaths to make the water companies public again. Fanta Orange is Nazi juice, Coca cola had to seen to pull out of Germany so created Fanta Orange so that they could stay in the market, and finally despite denying it IBM reportedly made a fortune by supplying and maintaining all the punch card machine that helped track all the concentration camp prisoners. Thumbs Up

Batman Returns

Brilliant, but I had forgotten how little Batman is in it, it more the Penguin and Catwomen show. Two Thumbs Up


Documentary about murderball or quadriplegec Rugby, feel sorry for people in wheelchairs well watch these pricks and change your mind, as one of the guys friends says, he was an asshole before he got in the chair so don't feel that the accident made him different. Follows the rivalry between the USA and Canadian teams on the road to the 2004 Paralympics, also teaches you a modified doggy style if you lose power in four of your limbs. Thumbs Up

The Clearing

Waste of Talent, waste of time. says nothing does nothing. thumbs down

Batman Forever

Nipples and Cod pieces, all that has to be said, unfortunately it means Batman and Robin is next. Thumbs in the Middle

New DVD's

Howl's Moving Castle - Hopefully more Miyazaki magic


At 9:19 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

The anger. The righteous rage. The captialisation missing on the very first word...

...yes, a rant!


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