Monday, February 20, 2006

More Lessons learned

1. A Horse can run faster than a biplane, its true I saw it with my own eyes there were no special effects or nothing, and if your male it is physically possible to jump from said plane and land on the horse without screwing up your nuts

2. Don't fuck with the Koreans they are vindictive bastards, its a slightly racist generalization but from the Korean films I have seen it appears to be true.

3. From TV, don't fuck with Jacks, they will fuck you up. Unless you have someone they care for kidnapped then they turn into pussies. But in the end they will probably sneak up to you when your sleeping and stick needles in your eye balls

In Good Company

Big global companies are evil, yeah I knew that, you didn't need to waste an hour and a half telling me. Waste of a bunch of good actors. Thumbs in the Middle

The Phantom

This is like a cheese sandwich on cheese bread, eat off a cheese plate with a cheese knife and fork and I love it, I'm just a sucker for cheap Indiana Jones rip off action adventures. Plus who doesn't love a man in purple spandex. Thumbs up

Sympathy for Lady vengeance

Final part of Chan Wook Park's trilogy of films about revenge and its just as brilliant as the others. Korea is making the type of adult films that Hollywood used to churn out with ease in the 70's 80's and early 90's but no longer does. Stylish, funny, violent and slightly disturbing. Two thumbs up

New DVD's
SPL - Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung, fuck yeah
A bittersweet life- good looking Korean gangster flick

New CD's
Beth Orton - Comfort of Strangers - taken a few listens but is really growing on me
The Datsuns - Outta Sight / Outta Mind - really good rock record and at £3 absolute bargain


At 5:11 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

"Plus who doesn't [enjoy making] love [to the backside of] a man in purple spandex"...

I'd like to see that Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.

At 6:59 pm, Blogger Richard Brown said...

I am tempted to censor your veiled gay innuendo, much like you have censored me lately, ooh err, but I am all about the free speech so I’ll let it slide


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