Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You know its hard out here for a pimp

Trying to come up with a theme this week and was going to recommend some Korean films to get everyone started but have decided to wait until I have watched a couple I have in my to watch pile. So I thought I'd go with a Hustle & Flow theme and show you all how to Bling Bling your life up or whatever the kids say these days. So why eat a Battenburg when you can eat a Battenburg Gti Turbo , yep check out Pimp my snack. My favourite is the directions to build my life long dream, the easter egg sized creme egg, I just need to find the £50 required for ingredients.

Hustle & Flow

As a Rocky rip off poor boy done good story this isn't too bad, as much as I hate most new Rap these days the songs in here are pretty good, though its slightly hard to take the geeky one from Road Trip seriously as some hardcore rap producer. Thumbs Up

Everything is Illuminated

The first hour of this is fantastic and plays a lot like a Jean Pierre Jeunet flick with its quirky humour, its takes a more serious shift in the second half which turns the style on head. Makes me want to get a premium seeing eye bitch. Thumbs Up

The Inside Man

Spike Lee's new film, its a really good Sting style heist movie. Unlike most modern day thrillers it actually kept you guessing most of the way as to how things were going to work out. Thumbs Up

Ladder 49

Fucking annoying, Fireman gets married and his wife gets scared that he will die then he does, the end. It plays like some weird recruiting video that asks you if you are brave enough to join the fire service then tells you that you will probably die a horrible death if you do. Thumbs in the Middle

Carlito's Way: Rise to Power

Above average straight to video prequel to the completely underrated Carilto's Way, even Puff Daddy is semi decent in it. There is no budget for action so it concentrates on character and Mario Van Peebles tries to wear every ridiculous Pimp outfit he can find. Thumbs Up

My Favorite Year

In the 100 to see before you die list, but I had seen it before but not for about 15 years and all I could remember was Peter O'Toole staggering around drunk and rightfully so as its the only good part of the flick. Thumbs In the Middle

Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire

Its the last of the books that I read as it pissed me off as it felt like a 600 page prequel for the next book, the film suffers the same problem in that while significant things happen they never feel like the focus of the story. The tournament should be the focus and then the twist at the end would be more shocking but there is little focus on the point of the tournament or what it means and most of the why is Harry in it story line gets dropped from the book. Saying that I still really enjoyed it and think it is the second best in the series and i am enjoying the darker turn the series is taking. Thumbs Up

The Young Poisoner's Handbook

Pretty good dark comedy about the true story of an English kid who decides he wants to become the worlds most famous poisoner. Might lead to you never taking a drink or food from someone ever again. Thumbs Up


Cracking mad ventriloquist flick starring a young Anthony Hopkins, who is almost as freaky looking as the dummy. Thumbs Up

A Bittersweet Life

Korean revenge flick, a medium level gangster makes a bad decision which pisses off his boss who decides to bury him alive, he survives and goes on a killing rampage. Stylish and depraved in parts, great. Thumbs Up

New DVD's

Spy Kids 2 - rounds out my spy kids collection, I want a shot on the juggler

Bad Santa - Going for £4 on amazon Jersery then the fuckers dropped the price to £2 sneaky bastards

History Of Violence - Even commercial Cronenberg is great, would be interesting to see how depraved he could have made it if he really wanted to take the style further

The Rocketeer - cheeeeesy 30's serial style pic

New CD's

Seu Jorge - Life Aquatic Sessions - bunch of Portuguese Bowie covers recorded for the brilliant Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou


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