Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Censorship Craziness

Was watching The Transporter 2 at the weekend and when it was over I remembered that this was advertised as an Uncut version but didn't see anything dreadful that would require cuts, so on to the IMBD for a wee investigation and true enough this was heavily edited and cut in the states to get a PG-13 rating including the digital removal of nipples. WTF the kids can watch people get the shit kicked out of them but if they see a nipple they will be out there gang raping people and doing drugs and shit. Things are just as bad over here, the BBFC has gone on some anti-hanging scene binge in relation to animated material refusing to give them even 18 ratings as there cartoons and kids will get to see them anyway and if they see the cartoons hanging themselves then there will be mass suicides as kids everywhere start hanging themselves.

V for Vendetta

Could never get into the graphic novel as I found it a bit over wordy and preachy, but really enjoyed the film for exactly the same reasons. Some of the imagery here is fantastic, though I feel slightly perverted for getting urges to lock myself into room with Natalie Portman just so I can rub her bald head. Two Thumbs Up


Really didn't like this the first time I saw it having seen it shortly after L.A. Takedown which is effectively a two hour T.V. movie of the same film and was the version I preferred at the time, both are directed by Michael Mann. Anyway watched it again and really liked it and now I love it. The Street shot out is great in 5.1. Two Thumbs Up

God Told Me To

Bunch of people go crazy in New York claiming God told them to do it, the cop investigating finds out he may have been immaculately conceived then some space ships appear and vaginal openings and things and I really didn't know what the fuck was going on. Thumbs in the Middle


Another film off my 100 films to see before I die, a guy pissed of the lack of morals in the people around him goes round London pissing people off, was funny at times but found it pointless overall. Thumbs in the Middle

Transporter 2

No digital nipple removal here, completely ridiculous and over the top and great because of it, just leave your brain at home and enjoy. Thumbs Up

The Tesseract

Interweaving stories of people in a Bangkok hotel, bored me silly. Thumbs Down


This is very average until the last 20 minutes when there is a great Donnie Yen/Jacky Wu knife fight then a good Donnie Yen/Sammo Hung fight that uses a few MMA submissions mixed in with the traditional kung fu that completely saved the flick. Thumbs Up

The Constant Gardener

Intertesting film from the director of the fabulous City Of God, deals with the nastier side of the pharmaceutical business as Ralph Fiennes tracks down why his wife was murdered for investigating the trails of new TB drugs in Africa. Thumbs Up

New DVD's

Nightmare On Elm Street collection - Amazon mis-price £6.50 great

Eight Legged Freaks - underrated mega cheesy giant spider flick

Shaft's Big Score - Who's the black private Dick whose a sex machine with all the chicks

Shaft in Africa - SHAFT, you're damn right

New CD's

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - EP - pretty Good 5 song EP

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show your Bones - Their new album not as catchy as Fever to Tell but its growing on me

Institute - Distort Yourself - Ex-Bush front man Gavin "Mr Gwen Stefani" Rossdale new band sounds exactly like a Bush album which is a good thing


At 1:25 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

I am surrounded by fiends and fetishists. It's true.

At 1:31 pm, Blogger Richard Brown said...

Who doesn't like their bald head rubbed, I know I rub mine regularly


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