Monday, May 22, 2006

Must update quicker

Need to start updating this thing quicker as all the shit I watch is starting to blend together and I can't help you, the loyal reader, to avoid the really bad stuff, plus then I can't be arsed to write much about each film. So things will be short this week

Hide and Seek

Can the DeNiro who isn't in it for the money please come back and stop doing shit like this. Thumbs Down

Match Point

Hailed as a return to form for Woody Allen by American critics, hailed as the biggest piece of shit he has done in a while by me. Thumbs Down

I trust You to Kill Me

Documentary following Kiefer Sutherland as he manages Rocco Deluca and the Burden on a Tour of Europe. Pretty good, the highlight being Keifer attacking a Christmas Tree. Thumbs Up


Not much to say other than I liked this, even with Keanu Reeves playing a hippy dentist. Thumbs Up

Cecil B. Demented

John Water's anti-hollywood film about rebel film makers who kidnap one of the biggest stars in the world and force her to make a movie. Not as depraved as Waters usually gets so it was a bit disapointing. Thumbs in the Middle

The Da Vinci Code

Got a call to sit in on the test run of the print last Thursday so I had the pleasure of being able to slag this out load without annoying anyone as I was the only one there. I think the worst aspect of the film is that it thinks it has some important message to tell. Thumbs Down

American Pie present Band Camp

Beyond shit, Thumbs Down

The 40 Year Old Virgin

The story really gets in the way of this being funny at times, the bits with the main male characters together is genius at times though. Thumbs Up

Repo Man

I had forgotten how weird this was at times, Emilo Estevez plays a repoman chasing after a car with dead aliens in the boot, Harry Dean Stanton's great in this as well. Thumbs Up

Phone booth

I just get a kick out of watching Colin Farrel getting tortured for an hour cause I think he is a prick. Thumbs Up


Australian Giant Boar flick with plenty of hill billys, do I need to say more. Thumbs Up

The Woodsman

Kevin Bacon plays a pedo who is just out of prison and is trying to go straight but ends up living across the street from a grade school. Creepy and thought provoking. Thumbs Up

New DVD's

Extras Series one - And then all her clothes fall off and its too late I have seen it all - Genius

Closer - Natalie portman as a stripper, oh yes

New CD's

The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers - Taken a few listens but really starting to like this

Eagles Of Death Metal - Death By Sexy - On the first few listens pretty disappointing and not a patch on there first album


At 1:00 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

De Niro has been involved in some awfully shite films lately, right enough. What was that one, about the cloned child, who was getting all the memories of his evil original, or something like that? Awful. I haven't seen Hide And Seek, and I probably never will.

I'm sure I've seen Razorback at one point or another -- it may have been during a semi-lucid fever dream, though.

'Extras' kicks arse. Go Pickard!

At 1:01 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

Oh no: I have committed a great and unforgivable sin.

I spelt 'Picard' 'Pickard'.

At 10:29 am, Blogger Mark said...

I have fond memories of Hide and Seek. Not of the film itself, but just of seeing it. We were seated a few seats away from another couple, and when you-know-who gets pushed out of the window near the end, the female of this couple, in shock, let out this big dramatic "Jasyyyyyyyyyysus!".

We cracked up for about fifteen minutes after that. Very inappropriate.

Supposed to see the Da Vinci code today after work, but I don't want to be contributing to this muck smashing box office records.


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