Monday, August 13, 2007

Updatathon Part 4 AKA the end of the updatathon

That's right folks this brings us completely up to date, so expect me to go missing for a month or so again. Here comes the end of it then

The Frighteners

The birth of WETA and Peter Jackson’s first big budgeted effort, tonnes of fun and is a nice balance of his old low budget horror comedies and his more recent huge budget efforts. Thumbs Up

Four Rooms

What happens when fame goes to your head, you and your friends make an incoherent mess like this, on their own Tarantino and Rodriguez’s sections are good, Ander's and Rockwell's are horrible. Thumbs in the Middle

The Man

Somebody has pictures of Samuel L. Jackson blowing a horse or something or he takes drugs before he chooses the films he wants to do as the amount of shite he does is unbelievable. Thumbs Down

An American Haunting

BORING, if I was haunted like this I really wouldn't be too bothered. Thumbs Down

King Kong

Still brilliant and oh so beautiful in HD

The Illusionist

The other magician film form last year, Jessica Biel's in this so you know it's going to at least be watchable on one level, as it is I slightly prefer the prestige but this is still excellent. Particularly the shooting style which makes the film look almost like the photographs of the era the film is set in. Thumbs Up

The Science Of Sleep

Weird combination of dream state and real life that will fuck with your head in the really good way. Two thumbs Up

Boy's Don't Cry

Hillybilly's get slightly upset when their sisters new boyfriend turns out to be girl, by slightly upset I mean beats the fuck out and kills. Thumbs Up

Assault On precinct 13

I love the carpenter film and had been against this, but as with the Dawn Of the Dead remake it's a lot of fun and if they had just named it slightly different I might have liked it that bit more. Thumbs Up


More Samuel L. Jackson Shite, Thumbs Down

The Good Shepard

How can the history of the birth of the C.I.A. be so dull. Thumbs in the Middle

Two Lane Blacktop

One of the beach boys and some guy from another band I can't remember race cross country without really racing, nothing much happens but I enjoyed it anyway for it's quirkiness. Thumbs Up

The Weather Man

Trailer I saw for this made it look like some osrt of guy goes crazy and start running round the place with a bow and arrow, in reality it was an above average family drama. Thumbs Up

Children Of Men

Still brilliant and oh so beautiful in HD

Ghost Rider

I wish my eyes would burn like Ghost rider's victims so that I can forget how awful this was. Thumbs Down

Lone Wolf McQuade

Chuck Norris and David Carridine, you now this is going to be cheesy greatness, highlight is Chuck running straight at a guy firing a machine gun when he only has a hand grenade, skilfully side stepping the bullets before blowing the guy up. Thumbs in the middle

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

The best of the prequels and on a completely different topic the only film I have ever saw projected digitally in a cinema. Thumbs Up

The Secret Of Nimh

Kids films need to be more like this nowadays, loads of fucked up dark imaginary that will give them nightmares for weeks, that’s what I had growing up and it did me no harm right, right?. Thumbs Up

Little children

The return from prison of a local paedophile shakes up a local neighbourhood, then cuts his dick off, its more complex than that but that’s the gist. Thumbs in the Middle

The Benchwarmers

My brain has forced me to forget this, thank you brain, I love you. Thumbs Down

The Prestige

Still brilliant and oh so beautiful in HD

Five easy pieces

Apparently ground breaking for its time but I found it pretty dull. Thumbs in the Middle

Raising Cain

One of Brian DePalma interesting failures, while not great overall it has his usual fantastic set pieces and a great mental performance from John Lithgow. Thumbs Up


See grown men fight in there pants, the style is initially jarring but when you get used to it the film becomes highly entertaining. Thumbs Up


Blair witch director's resurface, with some shite about alien abductees taking revenge. thumbs Down


South African film that I started to hit fast forward on when it turned from gangster pic to babysitter movie. Thumbs in the Middle

Angel - A

Luc Besson finally resurfaces as a director, the black and white photography of Paris is gorgeous. The film is a throw back to Luc's earlier French films and is a bit hit and miss from scene to scene. Thumbs in the Middle

Thank you for smoking

Smokings bad MMMkay. Unless your job is to tell us there not. I found it thinking its too clever for me to find it funny. Thumbs in the Middle

When a stranger calls

Why when people receive prank phone calls etc. do they a). feel the need to stay on the line instead of hanging up b). when the calls are continuous feel the need to answer the phone every bloody time. This is basically that for 90 minutes. Thumbs Down

Blades Of Glory

Will Ferrell ice skating comedy, bit more hit and miss than Talladega nights but enough laughs to get the Thumbs Up

Big Nothing

Simon Pegg pretends to be American and rather badly at that, Starts out well but gets completely nonsensical about 30 minutes in. Thumbs in the Middle

Stay Alive

Kids play computer game, die in computer game then die the same way in real life. Just as horribly bad as it sounds. Thumbs Down


Fine for the first hour when its a story with musical numbers and Eddie Murphy is channelling 1980's Eddie Murphy, but goes all weird in the second half when it turns into a musical and they all start singing to each other between songs. Thumbs in the Middle

Hot Fuzz

Still brilliant and oh so beautiful in HD, spotted a bunch of jokes I missed last time from laughing too much

Letters From Iwo Jima

Second part of Clint Eastwoods Iwo Jima double, this time from the Japanese point of view, shock horror the Japanese where not pure evil but regular folks just like us, when it wasn't forcing this point it was a pretty cool war flick, I am still to see Flags Of our Father which is the US side of things so it will be interesting to see how they intertwine. Thumbs Up

Still to come, a list of the shite I bought since my last update and maybe the best of 2006 version 2


At 1:37 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

I know for a fact that you have seen more films since...August! That was like five or six months ago!

At 1:32 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

You've been off for a while now, still no update. SERIOUSLY

At 1:31 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...


August last year.

I know for a fact that you have watched and made careful notes on about three hundred films since then.


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