Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Last Of Last Year

Haven't watched anything this year so here is what I finished off with last year and over the next few days I'll stick it all into the super computer and come back a statisticathon special, it will no doubt be slightly inaccurate as I noticed I missed some films I watched in recent months (some of which will be included here) so I'll give all stats a +-2% accuracy.

For a Few Dollars More

Second film in the Man with no Name trilogy and is of course as fantastic as the rest of them. Lee Van Cleef makes his first appearance and is his usual all kinds of awesome. Two thumbs Up

Duck Soup

Marx brothers movie and the first I have seen, its nothing more than a series of stand-up pieces and sketches loosely held together by a story. It's very hit and miss but the jokes come so fast that your always entertained. Thumbs Up

Firefly and Serenity

Always heard good things about the very short lived series and with Sky showing the movie and HMV doing the series for little over a tenner I thought it was about time to check it out, now I am disappointed I didn't do it sooner. The show ended way too soon, but the film does a decent job of trying to tie up all the loose ends even though it has to change a bit of the backstory from the series in order to make it a bit more accessible for people who didn't see the series. The film also does the best job I ever seen for convincing you that most if not all of the main characters will die by the end of the film. Thumbs Up

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

The one Renee Zellwegger and Matthew McConaughey didn't want anyone to see and I wish I hadn't, bunch of high schoolers on the way to prom get lost and then leatherfaced to death. thumbs down

Nacho Libre

The director of Napolean Dynamite, Jack Black and co-written by Mike White, has to be funny right, wrong, at best it was amusing. There was too much of an over reliance of Jack black just looking funny rather than saying or doing something funny. thumbs in the Middle

Snakes On A Plane

"Im tired of these Motherfucking snakes on this Motherfucking plane" best line in cinema all year, this just fails in being great by not being consistently awful and only one person dies by snake to cock, thats just not enough. Thumbs in the Middle


This more like it, just consistently stupid and nonsensical, Jason Statham spends ninety minute trying to keep his adrenaline up by doing drugs, driving fast, having sex and shooting folks, the end. Thumbs Up

The Faculty

Robert Rodriguez's tribute to 50's conspiracy sci-fi flicks. I like this more each time I see it after being pissed the first time I saw it by its blatant rip off of the blood test scene in Carpenter's The Thing. Thumbs Up

Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams

Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over

The series loses quality as it goes on and apart from Stallone's fantastically awful performance in 3 it is mostly unwatchable if you aren't watching the 3-d version, which I was. 2 is a good Ray Harryhausen tribute though. combined Thumbs Up

The Witches

Really shows its age and the only thing good is the henson company effects. Thumbs in the Middle

Matchstick Men

Overlooked Ridley Scott con movie, with Nic Cage overacting to perfection. Second time I watched it so its has that good thing where you can watch how cleverly the con gets put together. Thumbs Up

Mullholland Drive

David Lynch's usual bizarre madness, as with most of his movies the first time you watch them you do not have a clue what the hell is going on but its so well made and the bizarreness is so great that you enjoy it regardless, now that I have read exactly whats happening it was more fun the second time round, there is still a bunch of stuff in it that I have no idea of the meaning behind it but that just means I get to work it out next time I watch. Two Thumbs Up

New HD-DVD's

Still no player, end of the month hopefully



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