Saturday, August 04, 2007

Updatathon Part 3 AKA the worlds slowest updatathon

And there is still more to come after this, so here we go

The Matrix Reloaded

Up it's own arse but I love the action sequences. Thumbs Up


So Lazy, find the previous review

Les Diaboliques

Great 1950's french missing dead body thriller, one of the one I had heard about for ages and actually liked when I finally saw it. Thumbs Up

The Sin Eater

Dull, Dull, Dull Thumbs Down

The Outfit

Semi follow up to Point Blank, its from the same series of books, can't really remember much about it. Thumbs in the middle


Weak Woo, but mindless fun non the less, now that he has gone back to china hopefully he can regain some of the old magic. Thumbs Up

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

The first one I ever saw and the main reason I never give the rest of the series a proper chance, it's not as bad as I remember but its still not good compared to the other entries. Thumbs in the Middle

A Better Tomorrow

Some of the old magic I mentioned above, woo's first masterpiece, made Chow yun Fat and two handed gunplay cool, despite the bad 80's jumpers chow wears throughout the film. Two Thumbs Up

The Matrix Revolutions

Still up its own arse but I still enjoy the action. Thumbs Up


Kid with issues goes to mental hospital, fucks about awhile then grows to love the place. Thumbs in the Middle

Devil in a blue dress

Been meaning to watch this for years and wish I had done it earlier, great noir thriller starring Denzel. Hollywood for some reason only visits this genre about once every five years now which is disappointing as the films they finally produce are usually excellent, e.g. L.A. Confidential. Two Thumbs Up

The Dark

Should be hidden in the dark never to be seen again, garbage. thumbs down

Tell Me Something

Korean Serial killer movie so you know fucked things will be included, though having been made in 1999 its a bit more restrained and slower paced then recent Korean output but great none the less. Thumbs Up

Deja Vu

Good idea sort of badly executed here, the bad execution being that most of the science made no sense, cool explosions though. thumbs Up

The Fountain

No idea what was going on or what it ultimately was all about, but I really liked it anyway

UnderWorld Evolution

Might have reviewed this here before and gave it a bad rep, found it far more entertaining this time though. Thumbs Up

Black Ceasar

Blaxploitation version of little ceasar, as with most blaxploitation flicks it's averageness is hidden by a great soundtrack and pimp ass costumes. Thumbs in the Middle

Rambo: First Blood Part II

Written by Mr Titanic himself James Cameron, this ditches story line for blowing shit up, which is never a bad thing, worth watching for the guy getting killed by the exploding arrow alone, that bad boy got rewound about a billion times when I was a kid. Thumbs Up

In the heat of the night

The only problem with the decline of racism is you can't fill your films full of dumb ass red necks who think a man is stupid just cause he is black, then act more retarded when the so called idiot completely out smarts them in the most simplest way possible. Anyway Sydney Poitier is awesome in this. Especially when he bitch slaps the rich white man for giving him some lip. Thumbs Up

Rocky Balboa

Cheese factor 90, it brilliance could only be improved by a scene of Apollo Creed's ghost training Rocky. Thumbs Up

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Pure genius from Will Ferrel again, haven't laughed so hard at a film in ages. Thumbs Up

The Long Riders

Western starring the Keach's the Carridine's the Quaid's and the Guest brothers. All that needs to be said really, awesome actors being awesome. Thumbs UP


This the extended version of one of the mini Stories in Three..Extremes which results in it being less creepy due to the added story which reduces the impact of an abortionist who uses the dead foetus's to make dumplings that can reverse the aging process. Thumbs in the middle


British attempt at the Christopher Guest style improvised Mockumentary, it's very hit and miss and has the misfortune of letting you see all of Mitchell or Webb's bits I never remember which ones which, it not the ugly one of the two so its not quite as horrific as it could have been. Thumbs in the Middle

Ice Harvest

John Cusack and Billy Bob Thorton, should be good right, nope garbage. Thumbs Down

Sugarland Express

Speilberg's first proper studio movie (Dual was a TV movie) you can see the start of his style and the themes of family etc. that have become his trademarks over the years. Thumbs in the Middle

Bound For Glory

Biopic of Woody Guthrie, beautifully shot but suffered a bit too much of needing prior knowledge of Guthrie life which I don't know much of. Thumbs in the Middle


The old review is out there somewhere, watched in georgeilious HD this time though.

Rambo 3

Damn Ruskies this time, and as with most three's the weakest of the series. Thumbs in the Middle

Slaughter's big rip off

cheesy Blaxploitation. Thumbs in the Middle


cheesy Blaxploitation. Thumbs in the Middle

To be continued...


At 5:31 pm, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

You don't get away with just saying "Cheesy blaxploitation" twice!

And dear god, man, what is georgeilious?


At 1:02 am, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

And I'm not entirely sure that your updateathon counts as an 'a-thon' anymore. Seeing as it's been a few months since it started.

But then, but then. I am one to talk. I have still promised endings to unfinished stories from 2005.

At 1:03 am, Blogger Neil Struthers said...

I really do just leave comments to hassle you these days.

I'm sorry.


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