Thursday, August 17, 2006

More Catch Up

Note to self, must update quicker

Good Night and Good Luck

George Clooney's second film as director, pretty good true story about a TV jpurnalist taking on Senator McCarthy during his communism witch hunt, which I had heard of but never really knew the details of so it was interesting seeing the crazy reasons why people where branded commies. Thumbs Up

A History Of Violence

Cronenberg's least Cronenberg film, has some great gore but is more of a character study, must remember to read the last half of the graphic novel this based on. Two Thumbs Up


Crappy computer animated film about pigeons in WW2 voiced by every actor in britain today. Thumbs down


America fucks up the middle east cause they need oil, its maybe a bit more subtle than this but that's the gist. Pretty good in that it doesn't spoonfeed you the details and you need to do a bit of working out yourself. Which apparently some people couldn't do, hey Mr Struthers. Thumbs Up

The New World

Terrence Malik's new film is the most beautifully boring film I have ever seen, its gorgeous to look at but nothing happens. Thumbs in the Middle

Miami Vice

While the plot is really slow and doesn't even wrap up half the story lines, I still really enjoyed this and Michael Mann is a master of action set pieces with the dock shoot out being nearly as good as the street shoot out in Heat. thumbs Up

The Fisher King

Never been able to watch this all the way through till now and I still don't see why it is so liked. Thumbs in the Middle

The Usual Suspects

One of the best films of the 90's made slightly different as I saw it as part of Renault's drive in season, the whole drive in experience was a bit weird, it never got dark enough to see the picture clearly but the highlight was the film breaking down to be met by honking horns and flashing lights. Two Thumbs Up


One of those thrillers that is good for being completely stupid but crap from being completely predictable. Thumbs in the Middle

Aeon Flux

All style and no substance but the style was good so I enjoyed it in the end, must get round to watching the cartoons I bought a while back. thumbs Up

Lucky Number Slevin

I liked this and yet didn't, feels like a shitty American attempt at a guy richie film at times and a nice change from the usual hollywood crap in the other. In the end it likes to think it is clever but anyone who has seen a lot of films will have spotted the twist coming from the second it was introduced. Thumbs in the Middle

New DVD's


New CD's

Jurassic 5 - Feedback - One of the few hip hop groups I can listen to as they don't rap about their hoes and their bling bling

Soundgardern - BadMotorFinger - time to start replacing my dodgy copies

Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake It's Morning - Again replacing dodgy copy

The Zutons - Who killed the Zutons - and again

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Just Mother's Milk to go to complete the collection

Massive Attack - Blue Lines - Completes my Massive attack collection, contains the brilliant Unfinished Sympathy


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