Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stupidity Rules

I was going to do my rant on the state of current cinema but most things seem to have been covered by Mr Struthers in a comment on Young Mr McIvors blog. He gets it just about right, it’s the complete lack of new idea’s or the balls to at least try them. Anyway I was going to do the rant until the real reason behind it all reared its head, Stupidity. It seems to be that in this day and age you have to be stupid to get ahead, its like a badge of honour, here are a couple of things I learned this week from the BBC Radio1 news department, just a couple of facts about the Amish

They don’t believe in Electricity, yep doesn’t exist, I think its witchcraft that makes them light bulbs work or something.

I passed it off as an error even though it said the same on two different reports but then at a later date I was informed that they don’t believe in Modern Technology. All those cars that drive past there farms must just be horses dressed up in fancy out fits. Of course at which point did they make this decision, hey ma we just finished inventing the butter churner, there aint nothing left to create anybody tells you different, he be’s a liar.

Anyway today I found out something interesting about leap years, according to Chris Moyles’s “comedy” Dave, which is an oxymoron in upon itself, there is no fixed pattern to when leap years, as far as he was concerned the calendar people got together and decided each year whether or not it should be a leap year. The alarm bells should have wrung once I released that the whole conversation revolved round some Page 3 girl that’s been 24 for the past six years, their theory being she was born on February 29th so only counted the years were she celebrated her birthday. Of course for the groundbreaking finale, when he was finally convinced that leap years happened every four years, was to conclude that that would make her 120 because as we all know 4 times 24 is 120. I suppose in the end he is smarter than me as he gets paid considerably more than I do, must trundle off now to write my leap year randomiser code for work before anyone notices I have it fixed to every four years.

Me and You and Everyone We Know

Enjoyable enough but I’m getting tired off all these American indies thinking that they are being edgy because they mess about with teens going through puberty ans sexual experimentation. Thumbs in the Middle

The Squid and the Whale

Produced by Wes Anderson and it has the same feel as his movies, worth it just for William Baldwins character (Alec must have been busy) who despite having 30 odd lines in the movie says little more than Brother. Thumbs Up


Transpotting Danny Boyle please come back, shitty kids film, doesn’t help that I hate James Nesbitt. Thumbs Down

Russian Ark

Gimmick is that its all one continuous shot, problem is that the story is an advert for a museum in Russia. Thumbs Down

16 Blocks

Richard Donner and Bruce Willis, bound to be good right. Wrong load of shit, how hard is it to get lost in New York and walk 16 blocks. Thumbs Down

Silent Hill

Haven’t played the game so I was lost for most of this, liked a lot of it but as a whole just didn’t work for me. Thumbs in the Middle


Good gory, Dario Argento giallo, acting is cheesy as hell made up for with all the axe’s to the head. Thumbs Up


One of the classics that I never got round to seeing, it was alright I suppose. Thumbs in the Middle

New DVD’s

Transporter 2 – After bitching about lack of original idea’s I get a dumb sequel, but its soooo dumb its good

New CD’s

KT Tunstel – Acoustic Extravaganza – almost live album that’s a mix of old new and covers, really good.

Soundgarden – Down On The Upside

Soundgarden – Superunknown – time to get some proper copies, band I took a while to like but now really love

The Watson Twins – Southern Manners – Great eight song ep, with a we bit of Jenny thrown in


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