Thursday, January 24, 2008


Here's some random stuff I wrote a 6 months ago when I had high hopes of keeping this thing up to date.

The Omen

The remake, the shitty remake. Thumbs Down

A Home at the end of the world

I remember little of this now, it was a couple of months ago (when I first wrote it, it’s now more like 6 and I remember less). Colin Farrel is gay or might not be and falls in love with a lesbian and has bad haircuts and opens a bakery. Thumbs down

The Boston Strangler

First of a few true life serial killers in this update, don't think I have ever seen Tony Curtis any better as the possibly schizophrenic strangler. Thumbs Up

10 Rillington Place

British serial killer this time from the same director as the Boston strangler, Richard Attenborugh is creepy as fuck as the man who kills helpless women and buries them in there house. Thumbs Up


An attempt at an 80's action throwback with cheesy dialogue and over the top explosions, but at the end of the day I saw all that shit back in the eighties, at least have an 80's sensibility with a compelling story line. Thumbs in the middle.

The Hunted

Tried a few times to like this so watched it again one night where I couldn't sleep and it was on the tele, at worst it would help me get to sleep. However I quite enjoyed it this time. Benicio del Toro's fucked up marine goes on a killing spree and gets chased by a grizzly looking Tommy Lee Jones. Thumbs Up


Justin Timberland tries to act, but I guess the producers knew he couldn't so surround him with a bunch of great actors to try and make him look good. It doesn't work and makes everyone else look bad. Thumbs Down

A Scanner Darkly

First time for animation in HD and it's lovely, this was the one area where I though HD wouldn't have a big affect but the colours are more vibrant and the picture just looks more 3d.

Fast Food Nation

Fiction film based on the non fiction book about how crappy (quite literally) the fast food business and the food they produce is, I found it a bit dull and meandering apart from the Bruce Willis cameo. Thumbs in the Middle

Twisted Nerve

You know a film has potential when it starts with a disclaimer that it is not the films intention to portray all Mongoloid’s as violent pschyo killers. the theme tune is used to great effect in Kill Bill and was the main reason for hunting this down, was likely controversial in its day but there are more sick and twisted things available today. Thumbs in the Middle

Romanzo Criminale

Italian attempt at Goodfella's and despite getting the big up from the men's mag's and newspapers, is actually quite good if a touch over long. Thumbs Up

Vampire Circus

Hammer Horror, about guess what, vampires that run a circus, sounds a lot more fucked up than it turned out to be. thumbs in the Middle

The Queen

Diana died, the Queen didn't really like her so couldn't give a fuck, the end. Just saved you from having to sit through this. Thumbs Down


Crappy horror in both execution and story, a decaying reeking corpse goes on a kill spree, except it's only a fucking dream. thumbs down

The Slumber Party Massacre

Cheestastic 80's slasher film that's every bit as brilliant as the title suggests. Thumbs Up

Flags Of Our Fathers

Paul haggis please die, your dragging Clint down to shitty levels with your sentimental hammer fist style. You showed up in Entourage recently (when I wrote this so 5 months ago-ish) and almost fucked up that show with you crappy acting which I suggest you stick to as it's better than your shitty writing. And no the fact you have Oscars does not make me wrong, Driving Miss Daisy, case closed. Thumbs in the Middle.

Stay tuned.. you may never know when I'll update again