Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Updatathon Part 2

Getting there, as there is still more to come


Suffered from all the Matrix comparisons that it got at the time but this is good wee look at are inevitable bleak loveless future. Thumbs Up

Stranger Than Fiction

Guy hears a voice over in his head only to eventually discover he is a character in somebody’s book, crazy and beautiful. Two Thumbs Up


Biopic of the original Superman George Reeves following the investigation in to his suicide/murder not as interesting as I hoped. Thumbs in the Middle

Basic Instinct 2

Seen it all before ;-) Thumbs in the Middle

The Monster Squad

Ahh childhood memories crushed by the reality of something you loved as a kid not being great, but only good in an 80's cheesy kind of way. Thumbs Up

The Proposition

Aussie western with good violence but slow predictable story. Thumbs in the Middle

Perfume: The Story of a murderer

Weird and interesting serial killer film about a boy who wants to distill the smells of objects including people. Thumbs Up


See the earlier review if you can find it, watched in lovely HD this time, me loves me some HD

You, Me And Dupree

Great when Owen Wilson is left to be Owen Wilson, crap when they try to convey a meaningful life lesson that we should all follow. Thumbs In The Middle

The Matrix

It's great but not the fantastic original movie most people who don't watch Asian cinema claim it to be. Two Thumbs Up

I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK

Revenge Film expert Chan Wook Park turn's his hand to romantic comedies of a sort, mad as a bag of hammers and all the better for it. Thumbs Up

Man On Fire

Not the great Tony Scott version but the shit original he was supposed to direct back in the day. Thumbs Down

United 93

Probably the best film I'll never watch again, it's almost sickening how unprepared the American's were for this. Two thumbs Up

The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and her Lover

Stunning beautiful but terribly dull. Thumbs In The Middle

First Blood

It’s over Johnny, Nothings over. Awesome overacting. Two Thumbs Up

Southern Comfort

Brilliant "Vietnam" film set in the Louisiana swamps with the local hillbilly's taking out the local army reserve one by one. Thumbs Up

Stay Tuned...