Saturday, June 30, 2007

Updatathon Part 1 AKA shutting Mr Struthers Up

Suppose its about time that I updated this thing and as its been a while this could take a while and looking at this list I can barely remember watching some of these. Word keeps crashing and I am watching films quicker than I can be bothered to write them up so this will be done in several parts here’s part 1

Fun With Dick And Jane

False advertising as no fun was had here, I’ll most likely torture myself and watch the Jane Fonda original at some point. Thumbs Down

Smokin' Aces

I love Joe Carnahan’s debut flick Narc which is a throw back to 70’s cop film, so I was looking forward to this even if it looked like an American attempt at a Guy Richie film which is what it turned out to be, all style over a slight bit of substance, so I enjoyed it, just didn’t love it Thumbs Up

Mad Max

TCM was showing the trilogy so time to re-evaluate as I could never get into the films before when I was a kid I saw 3 first and hated it and I must have carried that into the first ones because I loved this now. I didn’t like westerns growing up and I think that had an influence cause these play out like modern westerns. Thumbs Up

Romance and Cigarettes

I hate good musicals but I love shitty musicals so this ruled, see Tony Soprano try to sing and dance. Thumbs Up

Payback: Straight Up Directors Cut

Good improvement over the crappy kid kidnapping end in the theatrical version and further proof that test audiences should stop being used as it appears that they are always full of retards. Thumbs Up

Mad Max 2

Same as part one used to hate it now I love it. Thumbs Up

Date Movie

Just how bad could this be, bad enough that I switched it off after two jokes, at least I think they were meant to be jokes. Ten Thumbs Down

Alien Autopsy

I hate Ant and Dec but liked this even though I didn’t laugh and I think it’s meant to be a comedy. Thumbs Up

Dead Man's Shoes

Another one of those where you need to be in the mood for it, thought it was alright the first time I saw it now I think it’s great. Two Thumbs Up

The Beyond

Couldn’t get into the first hour though the gore was good but when the zombies show up Fuck yeah Thumbs in the Middle


Bring back the 70’s where films where like this, major stars playing unlike-able but interesting characters in seedy interesting story lines. Thumbs Up

DOA:Dead Or Alive

Chciks run about in bikini’s or nothing and fight for an hour and half, mildly entertaining. Thumbs in the Middle


Broken Lizard start to make a comeback after the shitty Club Dread but still fall way short of their Super Troopers heights. Thumbs in the Middle

Rumour Has It

Can’t remember a thing about it so that will tell you how good it was. Thumbs Down

Final Destination 3

Cool deaths shit story. Thumbs In The Middle


Weird and quirky and most likely shit but I liked it. Thumbs Up

Stay Tuned....